A number of great public speaking tips and tricks you will enjoy

Read below about what you can do to uplift your public speaking skills.

If you become nervous when thinking of speaking before a big crowd, don't worry – it is just a natural response that essentially every person who finds themselves in comparable scenarios experiences. Nevertheless, if you would like to eliminate the fear of public speaking there are numerous public speaking anxiety tips that can help you with that. Perhaps one of the most successful ways to combat your anxiety is to make certain you are properly prepared. Any experienced speaker, like for example Sheikh Saud bin Saqr Al Qasimi, knows that preparation equals 90 % of the success. Writing down the speech is not enough to guarantee a successful speech. You will find that the way words look on paper do not always match the way they sound when said out loud. That is the reason why it is so indispensable not only to compose your speech but practice it at least 3 or 4 times, but a lot more if time allows you. During the very early stages you can simply say your speech out loud in front of the mirror. An even better option is to record a video of yourself giving the speech and then watch it back. This way you will be able to notice how your voice sounds and the way your body moves during the speech.

One of the perfect ways to get better at anything is to simply observe other experts doing that thing. The same goes for public speakers. On the internet you can find many public speaking examples of speakers such as Colleen Patrick-Goudreau that can help you to study the fine art of public speaking. However, what is even better, is observing some other speakers live. So many cities sometimes host free events, such as lessons or conferences – so why not use this occasion to boost your public speaking skills?

One of the top ways to ensure that your speech is honestly good is to ask for feedback. It is remarkably hard to judge on the quality of our own work, so it is always handy to get someone else to listen to you. Yes, feedback can sometimes be difficult to take, but it is an important part of the procedure of getting better. If you would like to become as excellent at speaking in public as Stephen Dalton it is essential that someone helps you out along the way. Find a friend or a family member who is able to provide you with useful criticism – it is as important to hear negative criticism as it is to hear praise. Make sure to mention what your friend says – they may comment on the contents of your speech, or the way you move or the public speaking techniques that you use.

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